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MGAC | RLF Birmingham Covers 12,000 Miles in Two Months to Raise Over £15,000 for Acorns Children’s Hospice


MGAC | RLF Birmingham has completed the ‘Mad Mileage Challenge’ to raise a total of £15,473.54 for Acorns Children’s Hospice.

For the charity endeavor, 33 team members were challenged to cover the distance from the company’s Birmingham hub to all MGAC | RLF’s offices in the UK and North American over the course of two months. The distance was calculated from Birmingham in the UK to Glasgow, Brighton, and London before crossing over the Atlantic Ocean to New York then on to Toronto, Seattle, San Francisco and LA finishing at its headquarters in Washington, DC – a total journey of nearly 12,000 miles.

The rules stipulated the team were allowed to use any form of exercise; running, cycling, rowing, walking, swimming – as long as it is self-powered.

The goal was to raise much needed funds for Acorns Children’s Hospice, a West Midlands based charity providing specialist palliative care for life limited and life threatened babies, children, and young people as well as support for their families. Acorns helps families cope at every stage of their child’s life and beyond, wherever and whenever they need it. It provides specialist palliative care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Chris Barker from the MGAC | RLF Birmingham office commented: “We were delighted to reach our target and raise much needed funds for Acorns Children’s Hospice and the great work they do in our local community. The team did an amazing job – I would like to congratulate each of them for their hard work and success in achieving our target.”

Acorns has a dedicated team which offers psychological, emotional, and practical support. Its team of health and social care professionals provide a range of services, including bereavement support and advocacy, as well as a number of dedicated support groups, helping to reduce the isolation some families can face.

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